An Evolving Legacy:
Delaware's Coastal Zone Act
55 min | English | 2011
Director: Michael Oates
Narrator: Don Wescott
Copyright: 2011
Forty years ago, Delaware's landmark Coastal Zone Act preserved the state's shoreline, making it off-limits to heavy industrial development. The battle to pass this visionary legislation transformed local environmental awareness into sweeping statewide action, challenging other states and the nation to do the same.
At the time, the New York Times commented, "…forty-nine other states can learn something from this exceptionally perceptive action by Governor Peterson and his responsive legislature."
The Act's legacy still poses questions that are as complex as the ecosystem it continues to protect. "An Evolving Legacy" Delaware's Coastal Zone Act recounts its origins, the critical role of then Governor Russell Peterson, its history to date, and the ongoing challenge of balancing industrial development with environmental preservation.
This program was produced by Berkana, Center for Media and Education, Inc. and partially funded by a grant from the Delaware Humanities a state program of the National Endowment for the Humanities; DuPont Company, and 302 Stories, Inc., with additional support from Nicholas Pappas.